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Monthly Training Update - October 2023

Virtual meeting

What a busy month August and September have been for training. We've delivered courses to over 130 Clerks, Officers and Councillors in subjects ranging from council social media skills, designing promotional council content, data protection and chairing meetings.

Here is just some of the feedback we have received:

  • "Trainer was clear and confident with the information on the course"

  • "Discussion rather than lecture so engaging"

  • "Many thanks for the time you put into this presentation. Lots to take in but explained really well with the use of examples."

  • "Gosh, lots of useful info that I’m looking forward to putting into practice."

  • "the trainer was clear in what he was saying, he has a warm and welcoming tone"

  • "Appreciate the plain English and simplifications for easy digesting of a complex subject."

  • "Dan made the course interesting and instilled my knowledge deeper and was more councillor related"

Councils also benefit from the networking opportunities that the training enables, with one person commenting they valued "hearing the experiences of colleagues in other councils".

October's looking even busier for our local council training programme. Here's a sneak preview of what's coming up:

  • Communicating with your community part 1: Creating a communications strategy- 2nd October - 11:00

  • Communicating with your community part 2: engaging with your community - 4th October - 11:00

  • How councils can recruiting a more diverse pool of local councillors - 5th October - 11:00

  • Data protection part 1: foundations and theories - 6th October - 11:00

  • Data protection part 2: accountability and lawfulness - 9th October - 11:00

  • How councils can engage effectively with young people in their communities - 10th October - 11:00

  • Data protection part 3: data subject rights and information security - 13th October - 11:00

  • Get the most from local and regional media - 18th October - 11:00

  • Social Media for councils: getting started - 19th October - 11:00

  • Social Media for councils: advanced - 24th October - 11:00

  • Canva part 1: getting started - 24th October - 13:00

  • Canva part 2: advanced - 25th October - 13:00

  • Councillors: Social media skills - 25th October - 19:00

  • Dealing with difficult people and conversations in our local councils - 26th October - 10:30

Discover more about our courses and make your bookings for October and beyond at:


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